Author Archives: Shobha


Cool and Refreshing Lemonade.(For those hot lazy summer days). Ingredients: 1 cup sugar(can reduce to 3/4 cup) 1 cup water(for simple syrup) 1 cup lemon 3 to 4 cups of water(to dilute) Method: Make simple syrup by heating the sugar … Continue reading

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Just passed my driving test 7 weeks ago(It was emotional!!),got my car 2 days ago(It was emotional!!).Now I’ll be whizzing around to my classes quicker then you can say“JOSEPH HUBERTUS PILATES”.Have to master parallel parking though anyone got any tips? … Continue reading

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Photo Gallery

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Welcome to my website

At long last I have my very own website yippee!! I’m soooo……. excited I could scream. I’ll be posting tips, recipes, photos of my pilates and dance classes and anything I find interesting or funny. So keep checking or you’ll … Continue reading

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